Crete’s Mission: Crete Academy will deliver an educational program to students TK-6th grade who are homeless and living in poverty, that will meet their physical, mental and emotional needs while developing strong character and critical thinking skills so that each child is prepared for college and beyond.
Crete’s Vision: One day, the cycle of poverty will end and children who once were homeless and living in poverty will be leaders of this world.
History: Crete Academy was founded by a group of individuals passionate about creating opportunities for children living in poverty. The vision for the school developed from the Founder’s life-changing experience on Skid Row, thirteen years ago. The Founder recalls watching a disconnected mother, watch her daughter crawl through the filthy streets of the city. As she observed the child crawling, she thought, “something has to change for children in these circumstances.” The vision of a school that serves underserved children in impoverished communities emerged from that experience. The Founder, along with many other passionate individuals developed the Crete model.
The Crete Educational Model
The Crete Educational Model focuses on the immediate, basic needs of students and their long-term educational needs. Our goal is to provide resources and support services to every student, so that they are successful.
Crete’s educational model includes a college preparatory curriculum that is designed to prepare students to succeed beyond the classroom. Students at Crete learn to think critically about problems and learn multiple ways of approaching issues. Through differentiated instruction, grouping and Constructivist approaches, critical thinking activities are embedded and taught across the curriculum. Lastly, Crete teachers support the development of students’ character, so that they develop positive dispositions and traits.
A key component of the Crete model is the Wellness Program. The Crete Founding team developed a research-based program that ensures all students receive the proper nutrition, physical, mental and emotional care they need to succeed. Through the Wellness Program, students are taught to monitor their physical and mental well being while participating in workshops and other programs. All services are provided by and through our partnerships with community organizations.
At Crete, all students have the opportunity to succeed and thrive, despite their circumstances.